GTcomman… is intelligence…

Definitions of intelligence (source GOOGLE translate):
the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills….an eminent man of great intelligence
>synonyms: intellectual capacity, mental capacity, intellect, mind, brain(s), IQ, brainpower, judgment, reasoning, understanding, comprehension, acumen, wit, sense, insight, perception, penetration, discernment, smartness, canniness, astuteness, intuition, acuity, cleverness, brilliance, ability, braininess
>the collection of information of military or political value….the chief of military intelligence
>synonyms: information gathering, surveillance, observation, reconnaissance, spying, espionage, infiltration… etc!


ΚΟΙΝΟΣ ΝΟΥΣ… and lobby..stic!!!


Watching several talk shows …glad to hear that some of the spokes man or guests mentioned the term… common sense…

but of course from others the more lobby…stic… approach … inside the unsuccessful… lines … that already suffered unexpected sweeps… with millions and millions of campaign money dawn the drain…

this is the one way communication…  doggy… style… half duplex!!! … results!!!

Foul duplex approach… includes as a basic protocol … common sense in inter-personal issues as a decision mechanism!!!…within the hood… and personal integrity and intelligence… meaning ability… bebaios… bebaios!!!

