Today’s comments…to Mr Trumps Twitt


….Tariffs will make our country much richer than it is today. Only fools would disagree. We are using them to negotiate fair trade deals and, if countries are still unwilling to negotiate, they will pay us vast sums of money in the form of Tariffs. We win either way……


my comments:

Of course there are many… as I said… these are not Democrats neither liberals!!! These are their cover… these are organised people that wanted to destroy Democracy and constitution!

But globally this “Obama” system does not produce the results intended! the opposite!
Defeats in a global scale… they receive and still insist… trapped in their loosing strategy. USA as it stands today… is stronger that was three years ago… I guess they don’t want a healthy strong USA! It is good to make America great again!

At least for the majority of the healthy minded people of this country! the rest who lost their common sense… they lost their rational campus… they lost God! That is why is GOOD that we have Democracy and not Demicracy from the fake Demicratic party of the “Obama” system!

…plus a bonus…

me I call them MOoooRANS!!! the monkeyyy syndrome… take for example Mr Tsipras… the Greek Prime minister and SYRIZA liberal party…these mooorans are helping him… politically his looking at single Digit petcentages… and we are still in beginning of August!!!