My comments to Mr Putin’s position at the World Economic Forum: 01/29/2020


Mr Putin…
It is obvious that some OLD minded Elit….

ie The Jewish/Sion New World Era… fanatics have lost their minds!
as they have become the Bad Guys!
Against democracy, against Declared Freedoms/ civil rights, against freedom of speech…
NO Jewish/ EXTREMIST/ FANATIC is Entitled to speak for Democracy’s stake! neither about Human Civilization!
Their destiny is written in their text books… The ‘Babel’ Tower is their destiny!
Jewish/Sion fake Medical experts humiliate Medicine, science.. etc
These Jewish/ Scientists will insist that 2+2= 5!
I remind them that the Universal constant is π (pi)… unless they want to change that as well…
They are Jewish fanatics and nothing more!!!!

JEWISH/ FANATICS With Lots of Money To Looose!

This is how I see them!
It is up to Homo Sapiens who by definition are the “wise” men… with Free will to save Planet earth from this insanity!