My comments 09/01/2020 to The Philosopher Prints @FilosoferPrints tweet

The Philosopher Prints

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Okay, here is a study that shows universal mail-in voting has no impact on partisan turnout or vote share. There is no uptick in fraud or miscounts, it doesn’t help the Dems win elections, it just keeps Americans safe and helps working Americans vote.
Universal vote-by-mail has no impact on partisan turnout or vote share
In response to COVID-19, many scholars and policy makers are urging the United States to expand voting-by-mail programs to safeguard the electoral process, but there are concerns that such a policy…
my comments:
what universal study… done by who and for who?
I am Greek… we invented Democracy…
Election integrity is seriously questioned…
by this mail- in ballot process!
There are serious questions about the whole process!
you can have the scanners open…. as the ATM machines…
and everyone who wishes to vote in person can do so!
Politics IS the Art of possible!
there is no contradiction… bad politics…is loosing politics!
the Wining “Politics” … is the Rule of Law!
Η ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ … is All about the “polis” !!!
Mailing in the Ballot…, again…
multiple states humiliate elections/ democracy with this procedure!
all states must have the same rules for federal elections!
so… if the election’s officials/ FBI? NSA are crooked…?
as most of the public servants… what this study says?
and me… voted 2012 the demicrats… this year I will vote red!
and why i will not vote for the demi-crats…?
because of their … stupidity in questioning of basic fundamental Democratic processes…!
like… Election integrity is Democracy’s quality!
NO trade of on That!