The Mc Donald… Macedonians of Skopia… Pompeo and Pompea…and the Jewish tower of Babel…


Mr Pompeo… and the Historic abuse!

Mr Pompeo the Skopian people they can call themselves North Macedonians…which still is a great honor to them and the only chance has this Agreement to pass!

This Jewish/ German historic abuse is beyond their limits nore strength! Only more problems will create…

the agreement has long way to go… to be finalized….what is historic correct will win!

The “Mc…Donald” Macedonians can call themselves Turks, Roman, Byzantines, east Albanians, West Bulgarians… Germans, Yogo or even Jews! It is more historic correct!

Mr Tsipras is pre-claimed as an Unwanted person by the Real Macedonians…

tsipras wanted...His government and political party have collapsed… single digit percentages!!!

Personally for Skopia to join NATO or EU have no problem… it is their business! But the historic abuse about a name which is Greek… ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΑΣ… ΜΑΚΕΔΝΟΣ… ΦΙΛ-ΙΠΠΟΣ… ΑΛΕΞ-ΑΝΔΡΟΣ… and the spoken languish was Greek… ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ!!!

As I said the revision of this agreement will resolve more issues… North Macedonian erga omnes… for nationality, languish, Identity etc!

The Symbol on the Shield… The Bergina Star… Is the Symbol Of Apollon… The ancient Greek God of Light… just a note!

star verg

Other wise this Mc…Donald will create more problems to all!